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Monday, September 26, 2011

Constellation Maps - Useful for Finding Objects in the Sky

I'm always looking for new things in the sky, and some constellations look the same as others so it's a bit hard to distinguish each if you're new to observing the sky. I recently went out to look for my first nebulae, so I had to study some constellations. I found the Lyra constellation with the help of some sky maps and ended up finding the Ring Nebula! I will post photos of it if I can capture it, the Ring Nebula is very dark. I haven't found any others yet since I am currently away from home and surrounded by trees and mosquitoes...

This is useful for locating using other constellations and NSEW directions.

This is useful for finding the Andromeda Galaxy.

This is useful for finding the Crab Nebula, Pleiades, ect.

This is good for finding the Orion Nebula, which should be pretty easy.

I used this to find the Ring Nebula. Vega is a pretty useful star.


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